A dependable, Compassionate
Presence you can Trust
New Horizon Care, Inc. provides a broad array of support services to promote the physical, emotional and mental well-being of the individuals we serve to maintain optimal levels of independence as an industry leading care provider.
Our services are designed For Health Care Plans, Health Care Facilities, Native American Communities and Government Entities.
Whether our members require In-Home Health Care, Respite Services, Attendant Care, Habilitation Services, Behavioral Health Care and/or Non-emergency Medical Transportation they will be treated with respect, compassion, and warmth from the first phone call to finding out about services, to meeting our staff. We are here to Help.
New Horizon Care, Inc. began operations with the mission to help improve the lives of our valued members. We recognize and respect the impact our agency has on our members/patients, and the communities within which we serve.

We are experiencing constant growth as a direct result of our commitment to quality. With our certified staff and support staff combines to make-up strength of a state wide company with personalized care. Our focus is clear, patient/member focused, customer centered and care inspired. We strive to embrace these values on every day of the year.
New Horizon Care, Inc. is united by a common goal. That goal is to be the provider of excellence and we are committed to making this goal a reality. And we understand that care is not a “one size fits all” solution. Everyone has unique needs that need to be met.
New Horizon Care, Inc. offers high quality customized and appropriate care for health plans members. All services are tailored to meet the specific needs of our members. Each member is treated with the dignity, respect, compassion and care they deserve.
We are proud to continue to lead our industry revolution, as well as to set an example for organizational excellence and employee satisfaction. In the years to come, we will continue to provide impassioned quality care, while working to improve the lives of our members and the community around us.
New Horizon Care, Inc. was founded and incorporated as a minority business in the great state of Arizona and is registered with Arizona Health Cost Containment System (AHCCCS).
Throughout our steady growth, we have experienced continued growth as a direct result of our commitment to quality. With our certified staff and support staffs combine to make up the strength of a state wide company with personalized care.
Our philosophy
New Horizon Car, Inc. strives to provide appropriate services tailored to each member’s unique needs. Our guiding philosophy is grounded in:
Read More1. Providing a full continuum of care.
2. Community-based services
3. Delivering the least restrictive services and preventive approaches
4. Maximizing Members independence.
5. Focusing on members’ strengths, and developing and using their natural supports.
6. Respecting individual differences and being culturally competent
7. Respecting members rights and confidentiality
8. Providing the right type of care at the right time
Our Culture
Belonging, shared responsibility,
personal agency, and relationship recovery form the cornerstones of our community’s unique culture.
We welcome each individual and family member in an accepting caring environment that provides guided support through a journey of personal and collective growth and healing.
The spirit of our community helps individuals envision an identity beyond one’s diagnosis and acquire the skills necessary to actualize that vision. As program participants begin testing out new ways of thinking, coping and interacting, we offer support and feedback to help solidify progress and success.

Why us?
We understand that one of the toughest decisions you can face is choosing the right Care Provider for you or the one you love. There are several components that make the unique New Horizon Care model so successful.
Our 24/7 Commitment
Call anytime to discuss services details, or to start the process. Our professionals stand ready 24 hours a day, seven days a week – every day of the year
There is no answering service, and no complicated phone tree. Day or night, you will be connected with a person committed to addressing your needs
Our Quality Care Commitment
Key to delivering the highest levels of quality care and service is the recruitment, training and monitoring of our teams. We recruit people with the best skills as well as a dedication to deliver the best care. We ensure they receive regular training and we frequently monitor their performance.
Our Customized Care Commitment
We recognize that all members are unique. Our staffs work with you or your loved one to develop a plan of care that meets individual needs.
To begin service, we discuss and address your concerns. Together, we will work to identify the best care to suit your needs.
Commitment to Excellence
At NHCI we take our motto of “provider of Excellence” very seriously; we have high expectations of everyone in our organization and are selective of the people we invite to join our team.
We are dedicated to providing world-class service and compassionate care that is client/member focused, customer centered, and caregiver inspired.

We Value
Healthy relationships with people;
Individual freedom from abuse, neglect and exploitation with a balance between the right to make choices and experience life and individual safety;
Members/Clients and family priorities and choices
Equal access to quality services and supports;
Partnerships and ongoing communication with individuals, family members;
Advocates, providers and community members;
Developmental approaches;
A diverse workforce that is motivated, shilled and knowledgeable of and uses the most effective practices known;
An environment rich in diversity in which each person is respected and has the opportunity to reach their optimal potential;
An individual’s right to choose to participate in and contribute to all aspects of service and community life;
A system of services and supports which are:
Responsive- timely and flexible responses to internal and external members;
Strength based- recognizing people’s strengths, promoting self – reliance, enhancing confidence and building on community assets;
Effective- ongoing identification of effective methods and practices and incorporation of those practices into operations; and
Accountable – to our members and the community at large.

What people are saying about New Horizon Care
“Exceeded my expectations”

I would highly recommend New Horizon Care to anyone who asks for the best services and care there is, in my opinion they are the best and most trusted.
NHCI member

From the initial phone contact to receiving services and care, I found New Horizon Care to be a caring and professional service provider. They demonstrated patience and concern for my situation and they were open to feedback.
NHCI member
How can We Help
The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, physical or mental handicap, marital status, military or political affiliation, and economic or social condition.” To this end, New Horizon Care, Inc. is committed to providing excellent client/member-centered health care essential to the improvement of a client’s/member’s physical and psychosocial condition. At the same time, we recognize and respect the broad base of client/member rights, in all care and service delivery, and the need to effectively conduct all business and direct care activities related to this care in an ethical manner.
At New Horizon Care, Inc. we go above and beyond to provide a personal approach to professional care & service. Our healthcare professionals deliver high-quality care services with the individualized attention that truly makes a difference for clients/members.
We are a partner as much as a provider. We stand with our clients/members every step of the way to meet their medical challenges and make life easier for them. Most importantly, we demonstrate compassion and integrity in everything we do.
Each client/member and family we are privileged to serve is unique. Our ongoing mission is to design a specific plan to help those in our care achieve their best possible health.
Our Care providers are compassionate individuals who deliver a premier brand of care. It takes a very dedicated professional to become New Horizon Care, Inc. care provider.
Each and every one our care provider has a natural gift for caring for other and a heart for caregiving and are required to attend training classes that provide an environment to prepare and motivate them to offer quality care and service through education that ensures a level of perianal responsibility and commitment.
Our care providers are qualified professional who has been vetted through a rigorous screening process with background checks. Each is licensed or certified in their specialty of care, and insured. As a team, we operate more like a family, and uphold shared values of teamwork, integrity and honesty, always.
Generally, Medicare and/or Medicaid will cover the cost of home health services for those members who meet either program’s eligibility requirements. Private insurance companies, managed care organizations, and workers’ compensation plans may also pay for home health services.
Working with NHCI means you get the highest level of support and care. To inquire more about services, please contact us at: