Our Philosophy
New Horizon Car, Inc. strives to provide appropriate services tailored to each member’s unique needs. Our guiding philosophy is grounded in:
Providing a full continuum of care
Community-based services
Delivering the least restrictive services and preventive approaches
Maximizing Members independence.
Focusing on members’ strengths, and developing and using their natural supports.
Respecting individual differences and being culturally competent
Respecting members rights and confidentiality
Providing the right type of care at the right time

Residential Treatment Program
The Residential Treatment Homes are licensed adult residential facilities that provide the highest level of care offered.
The residential program offers staff support and availability 24 hours per day, its own intensive programming tailored to resident needs, independent life skills training, medication support, and social skills development.
The residential program has been designed for members who need a higher level of care and supervision while they focus on stabilization, symptom education and management, skill building and independent life skill development.
The New Horizon Care Culture
Belonging, shared responsibility, personal agency, and relationship recovery form the cornerstones of our community’s unique culture.
We welcome each individual and family member in an accepting caring environment that provides guided support through a journey of personal and collective growth and healing.
The spirit of our community helps individuals envision an identity beyond one’s diagnosis and acquire the skills necessary to actualize that vision. As program participants begin testing out new ways of thinking, coping and interacting, we offer support and feedback to help solidify progress and success.
The New Horizon Care Experience
We believe in the ability to heal when an individual feels seen, welcomed and confirmed in their ability to recover and thrive. New Horizon Care, Inc.’s treatment program offers residents the tools necessary to attain a level of balance and independence relative to their personal capabilities with the confidence and courage to live a healthy, happy, and productive life.
New Horizon Care is a voluntary program; it is not a locked institution or hospital.
Our setting is uniquely different from traditional, institutional treatment formats offered at many hospitals and clinics. We promote a balanced approach to health and recovery by focusing on lifestyle changes of the resident and his or her family, utilizing individualized treatment plans designed for systematic change and optimal health.

We Value
Developmental approaches;
Members/Residents and family priorities and choices
Equal access to quality services and supports;
Partnerships and ongoing communication with individuals, family members;
Advocates, providers and community members;
Developmental approaches;
Individual freedom from abuse, neglect and exploitation with a balance between the right to make choices and experience life and individual safety;
A diverse workforce that is motivated, shilled and knowledgeable of and uses the most effective practices known;
An environment rich in diversity in which each person is respected and has the opportunity to reach their optimal potential;
An individual’s right to choose to participate in and contribute to all aspects of service and community life;
A system of services and supports which are
Responsive- timely and flexible responses to internal and external members;
Strength based- recognizing people’s strengths, promoting self – reliance, enhancing confidence and building on community assets;
Effective- ongoing identification of effective methods and practices and incorporation of those practices into operations; and
Accountable – to our members and the community at large.

Working with NHCI means you get the highest level of support and care. To inquire more about services, please contact us at: